Life and art chat
I have a few new bits of art to pop into the shop when I get a few moments. I got some of these lovely British hardwood pebbles which are great to do pyrography on. It has been a frustrating time though because my second Antex Firewriter stopped working leaving me unable to do a lot, not ideal with a craft fair to prepare for in July.
I also have a heavy heart because my elderly Herdwick ewe, Milady Sheep, is coming to the end of her days. She's had arthritis for some time but she's now losing her sight a bit and isn't that great at chewing. It's pretty common for sheep to get mouth issues as they age. She's becoming visibly more frail and I know it won't be too long before I have to make the decision to let her pass away peacefully.
I bought her seven years ago when she was due to go to abbatoir because she couldn't have any more lambs, so she's had a wonderful and loved life, it still doesn't make these things any easier. She is such a character and her ways have always made me smile, especially her stamping indignantly at me when she wants treats!
So it's been a difficult time all in all. It always reminds me of the wheel of fortune card in tarot - that which is up will go down, and that which is down will come back up again. The only thing you can do in difficult periods is look for the lessons and endure knowing things will change, as they always do.